Història 1

Really? Big mistake. Australia hadn´t been discovered by the English explorers yet. \n\n[img[3.3]] \n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start>>
Wrong answer\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
It's not John Smith.,\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
You're right!!!!\n\nYOU PASS THE TWINE\n\nYOU ARE AN EXPERT!!!
Wrong!!!\n\nBecause Elizabeth l lived in England.\n\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n\n[img[1.10]]\n
In 1607 she played with ...\n\n[[the settler's children]]\n[[John White]]\n[[Elizabeth l]]\n\n[img[1.5]]\n\n
Wrong!!!!\n\nKocoum was the first husband for pocahontas \n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
In 1595 Pocahontas was born in\n\n[[Jamestown]]\n[[England]]\n[[North America]]
Wrong answer!!\n<<display 'Start'>>\n
Wrong answer!!\n\n[img[2.9]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong!!!! \n\nJamestown didn't exist yet.\n\n[img[1.1]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n\n
Wrong!!!!!!\n\nBecause Pocahontas didn't know yet who was John White.\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n\n[img[1.8]]
You're right!!\n\nWhen the English soldiers kipnapped Pocahontas, they wanted to change she for...\n\n[[the prisioners of Powathan and guns]]\n[[food and supplies]]\n[[land]]
Powathan, the father of Pocahontas...\n\n[[accepted]]\n[[didn't accept]]\n[[he didn't know Pocahontas was kipnapped]]
You're right!!!\n\nIn 1616 she departed for England and met...\n[[King James I]]\n[[Elisabeth I]]\n[[a handsome man]]
It could be fantastic but it's wrong.\n\n[img[3.5]]\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
You choose the wrong answer.\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong!!!! Bad luck.\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong answer!!!\n\n[img[2.4]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Correct!!\n\nShe was kippnaped by...\n[[an English soldier]]\n[[a Native American]]\n[[a Spanish man]]
It wasn't American!!!\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Cool!!! You're right!!\n\n[img[3.4]]\n\nShe...\n[[Survive the voyage home]]\n[[Built a ship]]\n[[Didn't survive the voyage home]]
Sorry you are wrong\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
You are right, GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\nIn 1614 she began her education in...\n\n[[America]]\n[[The Christian faith]]\n[[The moon]]\n\n
correct \n[img[1.4]]\n\nPocahontas saved...\n\n[[John Smith]]\n[[John Rolfe]]\n[[Kocoum]]\n\n[img[1.3]]\n\n\n
Correct answer!!!\n\nShe married...\n\n[[an Indian]]\n[[an English tobacco planter]]\n[[a zombie]]
Wrong!!!!\n\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n
EH??\n\n[img[2.2]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Well done!!!\n\n[img[1.9]]\n\n[[Next]]
Who was badly injured\n\n[[John Smith.]]\n[[John White.]]\n[[James I]]
No!!! She didn't like koalas. \n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
It's not this John! :(\n\nTRY AGAIN!!!\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
OH NO!! :(\n\n[img[2.6]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong answer!!\n\n[img[2.7]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong answer\n\n[img[2.5]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong \n\n[img[2.3]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
IMPOSSIBLE!!\n\n[img[2.8]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong!!!!\n\nShe was a native American.\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n[img[1.7]]
You're right!!!!\n\nGOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!\n\nIn 1616 she discovered...\n[[Australia]]\n[[John White was not dead]]\n[[John Smith was not dead]]\n
It could be cool but it's wrong!!!\n\n[img[3.2]]\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n
HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! It's wrong :(\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
FANTASTIC!\n\nIn 1614 she married an...\n\n[[English tobacco planter]]\n[[American tobacco planter]]\n[[John Smith]]
You're right!!! :)\n\n[img[3.1]]\n\nIn 1617 she wanted...\n\n[[Return to America]]\n[[Go to Australia]]\n[[Go to Spain]]
Miriam, Pep, Gina, Maria P., Olga, Mar, Joan C., Ignasi, Joan, Maria & Martina
Correct!!!!\n\nPocahontas saved John Smith from death.\n\n[img[1.2]]\n\n[[Continue]]
You're wrong, Elizabeth I was already die.\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>

dimecres, 18 de juny del 2008


Hi ha diverses empreses que ofereixen un servei a partir del qual es pot incrustar un calendari al nostre bloc. De totes maneres, en la majoria de casos, això implica haver-se de donar d'alta del servei que ofereixen i, a més, haver de tocar el codi html del nostre bloc. I això no és sempre trivial. A més, quan canviem la plantilla del bloc, perdrem tots els canvis fets i haurem de tornar a incrustar el calendari.

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