Història 1

Really? Big mistake. Australia hadn´t been discovered by the English explorers yet. \n\n[img[3.3]] \n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start>>
Wrong answer\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
It's not John Smith.,\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
You're right!!!!\n\nYOU PASS THE TWINE\n\nYOU ARE AN EXPERT!!!
Wrong!!!\n\nBecause Elizabeth l lived in England.\n\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n\n[img[1.10]]\n
In 1607 she played with ...\n\n[[the settler's children]]\n[[John White]]\n[[Elizabeth l]]\n\n[img[1.5]]\n\n
Wrong!!!!\n\nKocoum was the first husband for pocahontas \n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
In 1595 Pocahontas was born in\n\n[[Jamestown]]\n[[England]]\n[[North America]]
Wrong answer!!\n<<display 'Start'>>\n
Wrong answer!!\n\n[img[2.9]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong!!!! \n\nJamestown didn't exist yet.\n\n[img[1.1]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n\n
Wrong!!!!!!\n\nBecause Pocahontas didn't know yet who was John White.\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n\n[img[1.8]]
You're right!!\n\nWhen the English soldiers kipnapped Pocahontas, they wanted to change she for...\n\n[[the prisioners of Powathan and guns]]\n[[food and supplies]]\n[[land]]
Powathan, the father of Pocahontas...\n\n[[accepted]]\n[[didn't accept]]\n[[he didn't know Pocahontas was kipnapped]]
You're right!!!\n\nIn 1616 she departed for England and met...\n[[King James I]]\n[[Elisabeth I]]\n[[a handsome man]]
It could be fantastic but it's wrong.\n\n[img[3.5]]\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
You choose the wrong answer.\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong!!!! Bad luck.\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong answer!!!\n\n[img[2.4]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Correct!!\n\nShe was kippnaped by...\n[[an English soldier]]\n[[a Native American]]\n[[a Spanish man]]
It wasn't American!!!\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Cool!!! You're right!!\n\n[img[3.4]]\n\nShe...\n[[Survive the voyage home]]\n[[Built a ship]]\n[[Didn't survive the voyage home]]
Sorry you are wrong\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
You are right, GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\nIn 1614 she began her education in...\n\n[[America]]\n[[The Christian faith]]\n[[The moon]]\n\n
correct \n[img[1.4]]\n\nPocahontas saved...\n\n[[John Smith]]\n[[John Rolfe]]\n[[Kocoum]]\n\n[img[1.3]]\n\n\n
Correct answer!!!\n\nShe married...\n\n[[an Indian]]\n[[an English tobacco planter]]\n[[a zombie]]
Wrong!!!!\n\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n
EH??\n\n[img[2.2]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Well done!!!\n\n[img[1.9]]\n\n[[Next]]
Who was badly injured\n\n[[John Smith.]]\n[[John White.]]\n[[James I]]
No!!! She didn't like koalas. \n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
It's not this John! :(\n\nTRY AGAIN!!!\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
OH NO!! :(\n\n[img[2.6]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong answer!!\n\n[img[2.7]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong answer\n\n[img[2.5]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong \n\n[img[2.3]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
IMPOSSIBLE!!\n\n[img[2.8]]\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
Wrong!!!!\n\nShe was a native American.\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n[img[1.7]]
You're right!!!!\n\nGOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!\n\nIn 1616 she discovered...\n[[Australia]]\n[[John White was not dead]]\n[[John Smith was not dead]]\n
It could be cool but it's wrong!!!\n\n[img[3.2]]\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>\n
HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! It's wrong :(\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>
FANTASTIC!\n\nIn 1614 she married an...\n\n[[English tobacco planter]]\n[[American tobacco planter]]\n[[John Smith]]
You're right!!! :)\n\n[img[3.1]]\n\nIn 1617 she wanted...\n\n[[Return to America]]\n[[Go to Australia]]\n[[Go to Spain]]
Miriam, Pep, Gina, Maria P., Olga, Mar, Joan C., Ignasi, Joan, Maria & Martina
Correct!!!!\n\nPocahontas saved John Smith from death.\n\n[img[1.2]]\n\n[[Continue]]
You're wrong, Elizabeth I was already die.\n\nTRY AGAIN\n\n<<display 'Start'>>

dimarts, 17 de juny del 2008


La solució plantejada en el post anterior ens soluciona el fet d'obrir els enllaços que es trobin en els articles en una nova finestra. Però no arregla els enllaços que puguem tenir en la columna lateral.

Si volem una solució una mica més treballada però que ens solucioni el tema dels enllaços per a tot el bloc, de manera que amb una sola vegada que ho arreglem ja n'hi hagi prou, consulteu el següent enllaç (només per als més agosarats).

Atenció: el que trobareu a l'enllaç anterior no sempre funciona correctament.